Protecting and Recovering Species at Risk

Federal, provincial and territorial governments have agreed to the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Approach to Transforming Species at Risk Conservation in Canada.(15) The approach shifts conservation from single-species to one that focuses on multiple species and ecosystems. It concentrates on priority places, species, sectors and threats across Canada and challenges partners to work together to achieve better outcomes for species at risk. Of the 11 priority places identified by Environment and Climate Change Canada, 10 are in southern, more highly disturbed ecosystems. In addition, one of the priority species (Greater Sage-Grouse), all three sectors (agriculture, forestry and urban development) and the threat of invasive alien species are all relevant to species at risk protection and recovery in these southern ecosystems where key conservation lands are often privately held.

Private conservation lands in southern Canada have been and continue to be those with the highest biodiversity conservation values, including key and critical habitats for species at risk. Ensuring that the private land conservation community is empowered to steward and protect these habitats over the long term—whether this be activities such as conserving and restoring habitats or managing invasive species or ensuring the obligations of a conservation agreement are respected—is critical to protecting and recovering species at risk in these regions. More than 230 of Canada’s terrestrial species at risk are found on lands stewarded by private land conservation organizations.(16)

15. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pan-Canadian Approach to Transforming Species at Risk Conservation in Canada

16. Nature Conservancy of Canada, Our Impact