Reconciliation with indigenous Peoples

Canadians and their governments are working to advance reconciliation and renew the relationship with Indigenous peoples, based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.

The conservation and protection of land, water and biodiversity are important for advancing reconciliation in Canada.

The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are central to the culture, spiritual well-being and traditional activities and way of life of Indigenous peoples. For millennia, Indigenous peoples have cared for and stewarded lands, water and wildlife. Their histories, experiences and traditional ecological knowledge are helping to shape the way land conservation and protection are understood, valued and approached throughout Canada, including lands of conservation importance in southern Canada.

For their part, private land conservation organizations are already engaging with Indigenous communities to establish long-term relationships. Ensuring capacity for and establishing consistency of practice by private land conservation organizations in engaging with Indigenous peoples on key aspects of protection, access and integration of Indigenous perspectives, knowledge and practices will contribute to ‘conservation through reconciliation’ objectives. Such engagement, collaboration and partnership are an important aspect of the stewardship of private conserved lands.