
CCIF sits within the federal department of Canadian Heritage, whose mandate focuses on fostering and promoting “Canadian identity and values, cultural development and heritage.”(24)

Since 2001-02, CCIF has been encouraging “private sector investment, partnership and sound business practices to help arts and heritage organizations be better rooted and recognized in their communities.”(25)

CCIF includes three components, two of which are relevant to this report:

  1. Endowment Incentives – provides grants to match private sector funds raised on behalf of professional not-for-profit arts organizations to grow endowment funds
  2. Strategic Initiatives – launched in 2010-11, this component provides financial assistance for collaborative projects involving multiple arts and heritage organizations that improve their business practices and diversify their revenues
  3. Limited support to Endangered Arts organizations – supports professional arts organizations to avoid potential closure and regain financial health

24. Government of Canada, Raison d’être, mandate and role – Canadian Heritage

25. Government of Canada, Canada Cultural Incentive Fund